Go To Settings
By swiping down from the top of your device’s screen to reveal the notification shade, then tap on the Settings icon.
Go To -> Accounts -> Add Account -> Email
Email Setup
Enter Username (YOUR email address)
Enter Password
Select “Manual Setup”
Account Type
Select IMAP Account
Incoming Server Settings (IMAP)
Most fields will be populated by Android.
Enter IMAP Server
Security Type
Should be none
Should be 143
Outgoing Server Settings (SMTP)
Some fields will be populated by Android.
Enter SMTP Server
Security Type
Should be none
Should be 587
User Name
Should be populated with your email
Should be populated with your password
Sync Settings
Some fields will be populated by Android.
Sync Schedule
set to every 15 minutes
Peak Schedule
set to every 15 minutes
Check Boxes
Make sure each bix is checked
Account & Display Settings
Account Name
Should be The Pet Gal
Display Name
Should be Pet Gal First Name
Click it!