Sara G.
Pet Gal South Austin

I was born in London, England but grew up in Montreal, Canada. It was there that I fell in love with horses. I spent every weekend at a training camp learning full care of horses and training to compete in dressage and hunter jumper competitions.
After moving to Texas, I continued working with horses, but my attention shifted to smaller animals as my social life grew busier. We have always had cats but soon added dogs. Our 7 lb. Siamese entertained us by terrifying our 85 lb. Gordon Setter. She would let him chase her, jump on a chair, and bonk him in the nose.
As an adult, I have rescued many cats, although most found me. They would just mysteriously appear in my yard or front porch. I fell in love with miniature schnauzers and soon added one to the family of two rescue kitties. They all got along famously.
I currently have two new beautiful black rescue kitties and two mini schnauzers (one adopted) that enrich our lives immensely. I look forward to kitty snuggles, and pup ear scratches with your fur babies.
Canine Body Language